Some of our client testimonials, product loves and recent work all in one place. 

On the Blog

Fun Colourful Modern Natural • Honest • Authentic •

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Have you ever stared through the lens, willing your client to magically TRANSFORM into a perfectly posed masterpiece??? The challenge of posing clients is everywhere. We’ve all been there! Posing can feel daunting, but fear not, fellow photographer, this post is here to acknowledge the struggle (it’s real!) and offer a SOLUTION to get those […]

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Ever wondered how successful photographers manage all the moving parts of their business? The secret weapon they might not be talking about? I’m telling you NOW: All-In-One Funnels!!! Let me tell you, this platform have been a GAME-CHANGER for me (and countless other creatives)! If you’re tired of juggling a million different tools and platforms […]

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For many women, the idea of boudoir photography can be intimidating. But for those who have experienced past trauma, beauty is a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery. Trauma can leave lasting scars, not just emotional, but sometimes impacting a woman’s relationship with her body. Boudoir photography offers a unique opportunity to reclaim your narrative […]

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Can I let you in on a little secret? In the world of building a successful business, trust is everything. Especially for boudoir photography, a service that touches on intimacy and vulnerability, potential clients crave reassurance. And that’s where the magic of client testimonials comes in! These aren’t just fluffy quotes to pad your website. […]

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Trauma can have a profound impact on a woman’s relationship with her body. Feelings of shame, insecurity, and dissociation are all too common. However, boudoir photography can surprisingly emerge as a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery. Here are 5 ways a boudoir session can contribute to a woman’s healing journey after trauma: 1. Reclaiming […]

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We had the amazing opportunity to ask our client, Ms.L about her luxurious experience having a boudoir photoshoot with us, and would love to share with you! Have you ever done a boudoir shoot before? If so, how does your shoot with Lux compare to your prior experience? I have and this was above and […]

lux is a boudoir photography studio based in vancouver, canada

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