Have you ever stared through the lens, willing your client to magically TRANSFORM into a perfectly posed masterpiece??? The challenge of posing clients is everywhere. We’ve all been there!

Posing can feel daunting, but fear not, fellow photographer, this post is here to acknowledge the struggle (it’s real!) and offer a SOLUTION to get those creative posing juices flowing again.

If you are hitting a creative wall, don’t worry, really… It happens to the best of us! Feeling frustrated because inspiration seems to have vanished it’s not a personal failing, it’s a COMMON hurdle for creative minds!

Struggling to find new poses can lead to stagnant photos and leave you feeling burnt out.

BUUUUT…. Here’s the GOOD NEWS! There are ways to reignite your inner posing pro! We’ve all dealt with this creative block, and that’s why resources like our FREE Posing Guide were created.

“Posing Like a Pro” is Your Guide to Stunning Photos and Happy Clients!

This free guide is packed with everything you need to transform your posing game. Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll find inside:

  • The Top 6 Most-Selling Poses: Master these timeless classics for guaranteed gorgeous results in every shoot.
  • Client Confidence Hacks: Learn sneaky tricks to put even the most camera-shy clients at ease and feeling like rockstars.
  • Portfolio-Worthy Posing: Discover how to seamlessly integrate these poses into your workflow for a show-stopping portfolio.

Take your posing skills to the NEXT LEVEL and STOP feeling frustrated! Grab your FREE Posing Guide TODAY!

May 10, 2024

Conquering the Challenge of Posing Clients

Boudoir Photography

lux is a boudoir photography studio based in vancouver, canada

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