Some of our client testimonials, product loves and recent work all in one place. 

On the Blog

Fun Colourful Modern Natural • Honest • Authentic •

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Birthdays are a time for celebration, reflection, AND… of course, presents!!! But this year, ditch the usual routine and consider a gift that’s ALL ABOUT YOU: a boudoir photoshoot. Yes, you read that right. A boudoir photoshoot might seem like something reserved for special occasions or anniversaries, but here’s why it’s the ULTIMATE birthday gift […]

woman in black tulle robe lounging on grey couch

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Do you know the feeling that you’re constantly hustling twice as hard to get half the recognition? Yeah, me too… Canada’s a pretty awesome place, all diverse and whatnot, but the whole gender equality thing? Still a work in progress. Our nation is renowned for its diversity and multiculturalism, but the pursuit of gender equality […]

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One of the hardest parts of starting your journey as a photographer that NO ONE talks about is getting the PERFECT edit and style to your images. Well, we are talking about it now…. In this blog post, we’ll navigate into the world of presets and how they can TRANSFORM your editing workflow, ENHANCE your […]

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For many women, the idea of boudoir photography can be intimidating. But for those who have experienced past trauma, beauty is a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery. Trauma can leave lasting scars, not just emotional, but sometimes impacting a woman’s relationship with her body. Boudoir photography offers a unique opportunity to reclaim your narrative […]

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Can I let you in on a little secret? In the world of building a successful business, trust is everything. Especially for boudoir photography, a service that touches on intimacy and vulnerability, potential clients crave reassurance. And that’s where the magic of client testimonials comes in! These aren’t just fluffy quotes to pad your website. […]

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Trauma can have a profound impact on a woman’s relationship with her body. Feelings of shame, insecurity, and dissociation are all too common. However, boudoir photography can surprisingly emerge as a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery. Here are 5 ways a boudoir session can contribute to a woman’s healing journey after trauma: 1. Reclaiming […]

lux is a boudoir photography studio based in vancouver, canada

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