Our insecurities and negative self-talk become so familiar over the years they are like old friends. Old friends you know you have a toxic relationship with, but you’ve been friends since kindergarten, so you can’t just cut them out of your life. Or can you? Just because you’ve had a friendship forever, or you’ve worked that job for a decade, been in that partnership for half your life, or said mean things about your thighs since puberty, does not mean it has to continue. If something (or someone) isn’t serving our best life, we don’t keep investing our time or energy into it. We give it some love and send it on it’s way.

Easier said than done, for sure. Stopping all that negative self-talk about our bodies doesn’t happen over night. We have to re-train our brain to see ourselves differently. Use affirmation statements. Say three positive and loving statements to yourself for every negative thing you say, every single one. Have your loved ones sing your praises and be sure to sing theirs in return. You might think your arms look thick, but your best friend might be envious of how strong you look. Do a boudoir session.
Giving yourself new experiences and using those to change your perspective can be a powerful way to improve your body image and self worth. One of the things we hear most often from our clients when they see their photos is, “I didn’t know I looked like that!”. Portraits of yourself can open your eyes to a whole new way of seeing your body. The beauty standards heaped upon us and the way we are conditioned to despise ourselves (because that’s how the beauty, fashion and even fitness industries make their money), gives us a very warped sense of our body image. Having beautiful photographs of yourself helps give you proof of your own remarkable beauty.

Our boudoir photography sessions are designed to empower you to see your beauty, increase your confidence, and ignite your self-love. From the moment you come into the studio, we are here to hype you up, tell you how gorgeous you are, provide you with a confidence boosting session of glam and photographs, and then completely alter your self-image for the better when you see your photos. Then you take those photos home in an album and some artwork to hang on your walls, so you can be reminded of your individual beauty every single day. The boudoir session serves as the new experience that boosts your self-love journey and helps you to see your body positively and with love. Your photos serve as the daily reminder to help you continue on that journey.
Nothing about your body has to change for you to do a boudoir photoshoot. We promise, you are absolutely gorgeous just as you are. Trust us, we’ll show you.

P.S. Curious what you can expect from a photo shoot with Lux Boudoir? Download our complimentary Dream Photoshoot Planner instantly by clicking HERE
If you would like to find out more information about booking your boudoir shoot, you can simply email us at info@luxportraits.ca or text 778-743-4773