I’ve noticed, on the occasions I’ve booked a photoshoot for myself, and I tell my friends, there first question, is “oh, what for?”. It’s interesting to me, that we have been conditioned to believe that there has to be a reason to do something like a boudoir photoshoot; you cannot possibly do one just because you want to.
Of course, this is entirely untrue.
We frequently hear from prospective clients that they would love to do a photoshoot, but they have no one to whom they can gift their photos. To which I say, this is a gift for yourself and you are worthy enough. You don’t need a partner to justify doing a boudoir photoshoot. The most important relationship you have in this world is the relationship you have with yourself. So do the photoshoot for you.

We do have many clients come to the studio to celebrate a special occasion – a wedding or anniversary, a pregnancy, a birthday – but it is also perfectly fabulous to do a shoot just because. Life is short and we will more often regret the things we did not do, more than we will regret the things we did. Your life is the only special occasion you need to celebrate.

So, when it comes down to why you or I, or anyone, does a boudoir shoot, the reasons are endless. You also don’t need any reason at all. Despite what my mother used to say, sometimes, “because” is an answer.

P.S. Curious what you can expect from a photo shoot with Lux Boudoir? Download our complimentary Dream Photoshoot Planner instantly by clicking HERE
If you would like to find out more information about booking your boudoir shoot, you can simply email us at info@luxportraits.ca or text 778-743-4773