Loving yourself is the basis for a fulfilling life, yet so many of us struggle to love ourselves. Healing this and learning to love ourselves is an important process to living a life you love. You may wonder what is so healing about being photographed in lingerie – or in nothing at all. We admit, there is an element of needing to experience boudoir to really understand its ability to heal and empower, but we are going to do our best to share this with you.
New experiences that help re-write our way of seeing the world, or in this case, how we see ourselves, is important, dare I say crucial, to the healing process. To fully see ourselves in a new way, we must experience ourselves in a new way. This is the power of boudoir. For most women, a photoshoot is a big step outside of their comfort zone, which is a necessary component for growth. Doing a shoot challenges our clients to face themselves – their limiting beliefs, their fears, their perceived flaws and insecurities. Even the clients who come to us to celebrate themselves, or an event in their life, often feel nervous and vulnerable. We understand this is often compounded for those coming to us for the purpose of self-healing and we have compassion for this experience. This is, as Brené Brown calls it, an act of “courageous vulnerability”, allowing oneself to be seen.
Our clients confide in us stories of trauma, loss, and heartache; they tell us of how they have lost themselves to their marriage, the demands of motherhood, to the pressures at work. Many of them have experienced their bodies change from ageing, motherhood, weight gain, or illness and are learning to love their bodies all over again. Some of them have never loved their bodies, or felt comfortable in their own skin and are on the journey of learning how to do so. They no longer feel like themselves and they have come to us to facilitate that reconnection. They do a photoshoot with us to boost their self esteem, to see themselves as beautiful, powerful, sexy and worthy. Investing in a boudoir photoshoot is a bold statement to oneself that you deserve to be seen, you are worthy of joy, and that you are someone deserving of something special.
The boudoir photoshoot experience is a celebration of self; it’s a way to declare a commitment to yourself above anything and anyone else. We are there for you throughout the process, cheering you on and encouraging you to see your full beauty and power and to own it. We pride ourselves on creating a space of acceptance, a safe place for you to let down your guards and be seen and celebrated. Our studio is a space for you to explore and express the truth of who you are. It is our honour to be able to capture your unique beauty and reflect it back to you so you may see it for yourself.
The experience is a vital part of the process, but having photos of yourself to take home is important for ongoing healing. Seeing your photos allows you to see yourself through a new lens (if you’ll indulge us this pun). Our clients are often taken aback by their own beauty and the confidence they see in their own expression. Your photos serve as a reminder of the photoshoot and take you back to that feeling of personal power, of feeling sensual and beautiful. The photos you take home are your keepsake to look at whenever you need a little boost, or a reminder as you continue on your healing journey.
For Ms. G, this is her second shoot with Lux. Her first photoshoot was about reclaiming herself after trauma and loss, about rewriting her own story. Her second photoshoot was a continuation of her healing process. She wanted to expand upon the feelings of self-worth and confidence and continue to improve the positive self-image she began to develop in her first photoshoot. In her own words,
“I needed to take back my value and bring back my confidence. The first shoot was a wedding gift for my new husband – and also a way for me to heal. To see myself as he sees me and let go of the old hurts and unhealthy pain. It was so life changing for me but I still struggle as that kind of thing doesn’t just end. So the second shoot was a way of taking back more. I was able to embrace it even more. See even more beauty and sexyness where previously I had seen only flaws. I plan to do a third one still – each one bringing more healing.”
We feel so blessed to be part of the healing journey for so many women like Ms. K. It would be our honour to be part of yours. As Ms. G says, “Stop second guessing. Take the risk and let Lux show you how beautiful and sexy you actually are! You will NOT regret it.”

P.S. Curious what you can expect from a photo shoot with Lux Boudoir? Download our complimentary Dream Photoshoot Planner instantly by clicking HERE
If you would like to find out more information about booking your boudoir shoot, you can simply email us at info@luxportraits.ca or text 778-743-4773