When I was young, my Mom used to read me a book about an older sibling who, despite being thoroughly annoyed by their younger sibling, loved them “deep down, where they don’t even know it”. I’m often reminded of this book when women tell me they don’t have any self-confidence. We all possess confidence, it just might be that yours is deep down, where you don’t even know it.
Part of the power of boudoir photography is in providing people with a new experience that allows them to feel confident, beautiful, sexy, when they don’t get to in their regular life. It’s one thing to use affirmations and positive thinking, but actually getting to experience yourself in this way, makes a massive difference in your ability to believe in this version of yourself. The version who owns her power, knows her beauty, is fierce and confident about who she is deep down.
Ms. B came to us looking to reconnect with her body and feel confident in herself again. We can all agree that she looks absolutely stunning in her photos. She looks positively radiant. And I’ll tell you the secret, what makes her so dang alluring in her photos, is the confidence she has rediscovered in herself.
It doesn’t really matter how you look – what you wear, the size of your clothes, whether you are wearing make-up or not – what makes someone beautiful, what makes someone catch our eye, is their confidence.

Here’s what Ms. B had to say about her session:
“It was a great experience, it filled me with a confidence I didn’t know I had! Really left me feeling like we all have that in us, we just need someone to bring it out! It made me realize no matter what my body insecurities I can still be beautiful and sexy. That’s accessible to me whenever I want to bring it out. “
As to what she would say to any of you thinking about doing a boudoir photoshoot:
“You should do this at least once in your life. It feels so good to do something that is just for you.”
We were so thrilled to have Ms. B in the studio and are even more grateful to be part of her journey in rediscovering her confidence and reconnecting to her body.
P.S. Curious what you can expect from a photo shoot with Lux Boudoir? Download our complimentary Dream Photoshoot Planner instantly by clicking HERE
If you would like to find out more information about booking your boudoir shoot, you can simply email us at info@luxportraits.ca or text 778-743-4773