If you are looking for a few more reasons to book your boudoir photoshoot with Lux, here are four side effects our clients enjoy, you may not know about.

- Feeling more comfortable in your skin
While loving our bodies unconditionally is the ideal, for many of us, being able to accept and like our bodies is a big step forward. While being photographed in lingerie may seem scary, vulnerable and maybe a bit intimidating, it can help to break the pattern of how you see and think about yourself. Our boudoir experiences are designed to help you feel good about your body, and feel more comfortable in your skin. When you see your images for the first time, and you get to see yourself as we see you, as the beautiful woman you truly are, it will help shift how you perceive your body. This shift opens you up to continue to develop a greater amount of love and acceptance for the wonder that is your body.

2. Increased confidence
So many of us are living smaller lives than we are capable and much of that comes from a lack of confidence. When we believe in ourselves, we show up more fully, we aim bigger, we achieve more. Confidence, is the key to feeling sexy and beautiful. Confidence is the key to living full lives and achieving everything we dream of. I swear if there is something better for boosting confidence in a short amount of time than boudoir, I don’t know it. Helping women to feel more confident is why we do what we do. We love becoming our client’s personal hype squad during their shoot and reflecting back for them all of their own amazingness so they can see it for themselves.

3. A sense that anything is possible
For many of our clients, even though they are excited for their photoshoot, they are also nervous. We completely understand that a boudoir photoshoot is a vulnerable and even intimidating experience for many of our clients. That is, at least until they meet us and are put at ease, hyped up and start having fun. But! Doing things that scare us a little, helps us to not only feel confident, but to believe we can do other seemingly impossible things. It’s like, “Hey if I can do a boudoir photoshoot, I can totally go for the promotion/ start a new business / ask them out on a date/ [insert big scary ambition here]”.

4. Decreased tolerance for BS
When we are feeling good about ourselves, feeling like we can conquer the world, we are far less likely to tolerate crap. Whether that’s Jimmy in marketing who makes crude comments, or questionable friends who consistently cross boundaries, or that family member who always makes snide comments about your eating dessert. We. Don’t. Take. That. Crap. Anymore! When we have a good knowledge of our own self-worth, we demand more respect from ourselves, and from others. We stop people pleasing and get better at using “no”.

Boudoir is about so much more than taking gorgeous photos of yourself. It’s about connecting to our own inner confidence and power. It’s about giving ourselves a new experience to shake up how we see ourselves. It’s about empowerment. So if you needed a nudge to book your shoot, I hope one of these four helped you come a little closer to deciding to do something just for you – because you deserve it.

P.S. Curious what you can expect from a photo shoot with Lux Boudoir? Download our complimentary Dream Photoshoot Planner instantly by clicking HERE
If you would like to find out more information about booking your boudoir shoot, you can simply email us at info@luxportraits.ca or text 778-743-4773