A common question we get from our clients, is what they should wear to their shoot. Ultimately, your wardrobe is a way of representing yourself – your personality, your idea of sensuality, etc. – so there really is no true right or wrong, but we do have suggestions. Not only do we send our new clients prep-guide emails with ideas, but we have also shared ideas about what to wear on our blog here, here, and here. But one thing we haven’t covered here on the blog are some tips on what NOT to wear (PS. Does anyone else still hear Clinton and Stacy’s voice when they read that? No? Just me?)

Uncomfortable or Ill Fitting Outfits
When you feel comfortable in what you are wearing, you are going to feel more confident. So forget what other people say you “should” wear, or what society tells us is sexy, and pick outfits that YOU feel good wearing. Whatever you decide to wear should fit you well. Don’t try to squeeze into an old lingerie set because you think you “should” be able to fit into it, and don’t try to buy any new lingerie based on the size you think you “should” be. You want your outfits to fit you well. Anything that cuts into your skin will not only make you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious, effecting your enjoyment of the shoot, but they will also leave difficult-to-edit lines in your skin.

Hairties, Watches, or Tight Clothes
The morning of your photoshoot, you want to avoid putting anything tight like hairbands or watches, around your wrists. These will leave an indent in your skin that will be difficult to edit out later. Likewise, you want to avoid wearing clothes to your photoshoot that are line-leaving tight.
If you forget, don’t worry. We’ll have you change into a comfy robe and remove any tight jewellery before you sit down for hair and makeup so your skin has time to recover before the camera comes out.

A Frown or a Grimace
It’s perfectly normal to feel a bit shy, nervous or even a little uncomfortable at the beginning of your shoot. This is a new and vulnerable experience, so it’s perfectly okay to have that reaction. But the more you can relax, the better your photos are going to look. The more you can allow yourself to have fun, the better your photos are going to look. So get silly. Shake out the nerves – literally, shake your body, or dance around the studio a bit.

Fake Tanner
If you absolutely want to have a bit of a tan before your photoshoot, we highly recommend investing in a professional. Many fake tans can come out looking a little orange, so we don’t recommend trying it for your first time right before your photoshoot. And we definitely do not recommend you using a store-bought tanner and trying to tan yourself. You’ll likely end up looking a little orange (especially your fingers from applying the tanner), and a little splotchy.

Bold Nailpolish
Now this is a bit of a personal preference, but in our experience, bold nailpolish tends to be a distraction in photos. Instead of focusing on your gorgeous smile, people will be looking at your toesies. Even if you are normally a bold kinda person, we do recommend keeping your nailpolish neutral colours for your photoshoot. But hey, if you wanna go bold, go bold, this is your photoshoot after all.

P.S. Curious what you can expect from a photo shoot with Lux Boudoir? Download our complimentary Dream Photoshoot Planner instantly by clicking HERE
If you would like to find out more information about booking your boudoir shoot, you can simply email us at info@luxportraits.ca or text 778-743-4773